All good things must come to an end, even more so for great things. We head for the airport and bump into an old mate.
We duly check in at the AirAsia counter, but hey, what's this obscure airlines doing next door?
The kids kill the time with a mini Sudoku competition, and young Aina (in cap) comes out tops.
I peer at the runway through the glass pane, and rather than spotting planes, I spot houses just on the other side of the runway. I must say, living there must be a plane-spotter's heaven. He can spot from the bedroom, kitchen, even from a strategically-placed loo! Noise? What noise?
We depart SDK at 8.15pm, 3 hours late (we were informed about this delay by SMS while we were still at the hotel), and arrive home well after midnight. Our plane, an old-ish Boeing 737-300 reg. 9M-AAH, had earlier in the day done KL-Tawau and developed technical fault while in Tawau. Flew back to KL, before the afternoon trip to Sandakan. Two long KL-Sabah return trips in one day, probably a tad too much for this hard-working little plane!
THE END and back to HOMEPAGE