Saturday, August 27, 2005

FINAL ~ Pulau Kapas 220805c: Bye-bye

[NOTE: For a better read, please start at the bottom. Don't ask me why, that's how it works!]

Although I spent two days snorkeling, unfortunately I'm not able to show pics of the huge aquarium under the sea. Yes, I did spot fish of all hues and colours (including Nemo & Gang), pretty corals, ugly gamat and urchins, little crustaceans, fierce-looking cuttle-fish, giant clams, etc. For justice to be done, maybe it's time for me to invest in a waterproof digicam, specifically for underwater photography.

Anyway, Kapas, though not as glamorous (or as exploited) as Tioman or Redang, is a great place to unwind and to be close to nature. But, hey, for a person who hates long boat rides like moi, Kapas is indeed a godsend!